The busy holiday travel season provided a unique opportunity to increase awareness and sales at shops and restaurants at DEN.
To increase the dollars spent per passenger, Street Source recommended a promotion that included a holiday gift for passengers with any $20 purchase. With an average of $11 spent per enplaning passenger, this provided retailers the opportunity to upsell passengers.
Giant gift stands were set up throughout the airport with representatives handing out gifts to any passenger who had spent $20+. Many of the gifts were donated by DEN shops and restaurants, increasing awareness of what was available. The promotion was marketed on signage throughout the airport, POS at retail and with a PR push to local and national news outlets.
Sales per enplaning passenger increased +5% YOY during the promotional period, even though the number of passengers during that time decreased -3%
Achieved 115,870,000 advertising impressions with budget of $57k (valued at $174,550)
Achieved 12,850,482 PR Impressions valued at $219k